HSE Consultations Hub

Welcome to the HSE Consultations Hub. This site will help you find and participate in consultations that interest you.

Recently updated consultations are displayed below. Alternatively, you can search for consultations by keyword, postcode, interest etc.

Archive: An archive of our previous consultations is available at The National Archive.

Open Consultations

  • PPP NAS 006 - Elemental Iron

    Consultation number: PPP 006 Consultation on the first GB approval of the new active substance Elemental Iron. Deadline for comments: +60 days from 13 June 2024. This consultation relates to GB’s Draft Assessment Report (DAR) for the new active substance Elemental Iron. ...

    Closes 11 August 2024

Closed Consultations

  • UK REACH - PFAS firefighting foams - Call for evidence

    ***This consultation has been extended to 24 June 2024 to allow more time for stakeholders to prepare a response.*** We are gathering information and evidence relating to firefighting foams which contain per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). The following video...

    Closed 24 June 2024

  • GB CLP 005 - Copper Substances - GB MCL proposal

    Article 37A ( GB mandatory classification and labelling of substances) proposal: GBCLP 005 Substance name: Copper Substances Copper (I) oxide Copper (II) hydroxide, copper dihydroxide Copper (II) carbonate - copper (II) hydroxide (1:1) Dicopper...

    Closed 14 June 2024

  • PPP NAS 005 - Metalaxyl-M

    Consultation number: PPP 005 Consultation on the first GB approval of the amendment of approval of active substance Metalaxyl-M Deadline for comments: +60 days from publication date 9 April 2024. This consultation relates to GB’s Draft Assessment Report (DAR) for the...

    Closed 8 June 2024

  • REACH - Applications for authorisation AFA055-01 Chromium trioxide

    Public consultation on alternatives Reference : AFA055-01 Applicant: C&E Plating Limited Application type: Initial Substance: Chromium trioxide EC Number: 215-607-8 CAS Number: 1333-82-0 ...

    Closed 3 June 2024

  • REACH - Applications for authorisation AFA056-01 Chromium trioxide

    Public consultation on alternatives Reference: AFA056-01 Applicant: Linde AMT UK Ltd Application type: Initial Substance name: Chromium trioxide EC Number: 215-607-8 CAS Number: 1333-82-0 Proposed...

    Closed 3 June 2024