GB CLP 005 - Copper Substances - GB MCL proposal

Closed 14 Jun 2024

Opened 15 Apr 2024


Article 37A (GB mandatory classification and labelling of substances) proposal: GBCLP 005

Substance name: Copper Substances

  • Copper (I) oxide
  • Copper (II) hydroxide, copper dihydroxide
  • Copper (II) carbonate - copper (II) hydroxide (1:1)
  • Dicopper chloride trihydroxide
  • Copper thiocyanate
  • Copper sulphate pentahydrate
  • Tetracopper hexahydroxide sulphate [1], tetracopper hexahydroxide sulphate hydrate [2]
  • Bordeaux mixture, reaction products of copper sulphate with calcium dihydroxide
  • Copper flakes (coated with aliphatic acid)

CAS Number: N/A

EC Number: N/A

You are invited to comment on this proposal for GB mandatory classification and labelling prepared by HSE as the GB CLP Agency. The hazard classes open for consultation are identified in the proposal.

The consultation lasts for 60 days (unless specified otherwise).

We encourage comments supporting or opposing the proposed mandatory classification and labelling. Additional relevant data can also be submitted.

Any comments arriving after the commenting deadline will not be included in the Consultation Summary and will not be considered or responded to by HSE as the GB CLP Agency.

Consultations close at 23:59 London time (BST)

How to submit comments

You can submit comments using the online survey below, no later than the deadline above.


  • MCL proposal


  • CLP