REACH – Applications for authorisation AFA001-01 – Review Report

Closed 6 Jul 2021

Opened 11 May 2021


Public consultation on alternatives

Reference: AFA001-01

Applicant: Rolls-Royce PLC

Application type: Review report

Substance name: Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP)

EC Number: 204-211-0

CAS Number: 117-81-7

Proposed use: The processing of a stop-off formulation containing DEHP during the diffusion bonding and manufacture of aero engine fan blades

Broad information on use applied for (conditions of use and function): 

A bonding stop-off formulation containing a nominal 5% w/w DEHP is applied onto titanium sheets as part of a patented and high precision operation taking place in a clean room environment to produce flawless hollow titanium blades with extremely tight tolerances, involving treatment at very high temperatures. This is the complete service life of DEHP as it is destroyed (by heat) in the blade manufacturing process. Fan blades are critical to engine performance. New designs or modifications must undergo the most rigorous validation, failure modelling, bench and flight testing in order to gain regulatory approval for airworthiness.

List of descriptors:

  • Sector of end use (SU): 17
  • Environmental release category (ERC): 5
  • Process category (PROC): 1, 5, 8b, 10
  • Product category (PC): 14
  • Article category related to subsequent service life (AC): n/a
  • Technical Function: Plasticiser

Annual tonnage used: <1

Review period requested: 7 years

How to submit comments

Provide some basic information on possible alternative(s) in the online survey below but more detailed information should be provided in document(s) prepared using the commenting templates in the related section below. A “public version” should always be completed and will be published after the consultation has closed. If you want to include confidential information in your submission, please additionally complete a “confidential version” and submit both versions as attachments.

The consultation lasts for 8 weeks (unless otherwise specified) and closes at 23:59 London time (BST).


  • Applications for authorisation


  • Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & restriction of CHemicals (REACH)