Building safety reforms

Closed 31 Aug 2022

Opened 30 Aug 2022


The government is introducing new building safety reforms in the wake of the Grenfell Tower fire.

HSE is now the new Building Safety Regulator (BSR) as part of these reforms. 

Building control professionals and private sector building control organisations will have to register with BSR. Registration will open October 2023.

BSR will expect professionals and organisations to demonstrate their competence to accept them onto the register.

We are currently working on what those competences will be and how people will have to show the right skills, knowledge, experience and behaviours to get onto the register.

We have not made any decisions about the competences or how people can demonstrate them. Options that we are considering include (and could possibly be a combination of) the following:

We expect that building professionals will need continued professional development (CPD) to maintain their future registrations.

As part of the development work, we have published early drafts of some of our registration products on this page. We will be developing these products further over the next few months, working closely with stakeholders. There will be a public consultation on them in summer 2022.

Please note that the dates at the top of this page ('Closes 31 Aug 2022' and 'Opens 30 Aug 2022') and in the red box below ('This activity will open on 30 Aug 2022') are system default dates. We will advise actual consultation dates in the future. 

Sign up to the BSR e-bulletin to hear about this and other consultations.

Professional conduct rules (draft)

  • Mandatory standards of conduct and behaviour that registered building control approvers (RBCAs) will have to adhere to.

Code of conduct (draft)

  • Mandatory standards of conduct and behaviour that registered building inspectors (RBIs) will have to adhere to.

Building inspector competency framework (BICoF) (draft)

  • The building inspector competency framework (BICoF) sets out the competencies that building inspectors will have to show to get onto the register.


  • Public


  • Reforms