PPP NAS 005 - Metalaxyl-M

Closed 8 Jun 2024

Opened 9 Apr 2024


Consultation number: PPP 005

Consultation on the first GB approval of the amendment of approval of active substance Metalaxyl-M

Deadline for comments: +60 days from publication date 9 April 2024.

This consultation relates to GB’s Draft Assessment Report (DAR) for the amendment of approval for Metalaxyl-M.

Metalaxyl-M is an active substance for use in plant protection products for controlling fungi in edible and non-edible crops (outdoor and protected). 

The dossier for the amendment of approval of this substance in Great Britain under retained Regulation 1107/2009 was submitted by Syngenta UK Ltd, with the assessment performed by the Chemicals Regulation Division of the Health and Safety Executive.

Comments are invited on the content and conclusions of the DAR and can be submitted by any member of the public or interested party. 

Certain specified confidential information that relates to the active substance is not published as part of this consultation. 

How to submit comments

Comments on the GB’s assessment reports should be submitted by using the online survey below, no later than the deadline above. Please cite the relevant page numbers in the DAR sections in relation to your comment along with the section header/sub-heading of the data point. 

We will not consider the comments if they: 

  • Are submitted after the consultation deadline
  • Are not related to the contents of the document
  • Contain complaints against institutions, personal accusations, irrelevant or offensive statements or material
  • Are related to policy or risk management aspects, which are out of the scope of this type of consultation

HSE will assess and publish all comments which are submitted in line with the criteria above.


  • Draft Assessment Report


  • Plant protection products (PPP)